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Indoor Activities For A Heatwave

Ever step a toe outside only to say yourself, “nope” and come back into the air conditioning? Sometimes it’s simply too hot to go outside during the summer and sometimes, it’s just not safe. But that doesn’t mean you need to sit around and do nothing all day – there are plenty of indoor activities

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Can I Run My A/C 24/7?

Ever walk outside multiple days in a row only to feel like the heat is literally smacking you in the face? Thank goodness for air conditioning, right? Sure, most of us couldn’t even fathom living without an air conditioner in the dead of summer, but most homeowners take advantage of this luxury. Sure, the thought

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How To Clean Ductless AC Filters

Chances are you’re sweating as you read this and you’re about to enter panic mode because your ductless hvac system isn’t working like it should be. Well, if you haven’t cleaned the filter in a while, it’s probably the reason your system is malfunctioning so let’s not waste any more time. How do you clean

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