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When Should I Replace My Heating Equipment?
When it comes to larger appliances in your home, namely your heating and plumbing equipment, it can seem like all hell breaks loose when something is out of whack. With that said, it can seemingly cost a small fortune to make certain repairs or replace certain units entirely. So, does it make more financial sense to do it now or later? We’re shedding some light on the situation, below! We understand that heating and plumbing equipment is not something you typically replace on a monthly or yearly basis. Sometimes a system can seem like it’s working just fine when in reality, it’s draining your bank account. Other times, things may in fact, be working just fine even though the system might be a few years (or even decades) old. So, how can you tell the difference? Let’s start with a few of the largest energy guzzlers in your home — the furnace, boiler, water heater and refrigerator. In most cases, replacing these pieces of equipment as they near 15 – 20 years of age is a wise decision even if they’re still operating. Why? Older models tend to use much higher amounts of energy in order to operate, while
Expert Tips To Cut Down On Heating Bills
Sure, you could go out and spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on high-tech heating equipment and other supplies that will help you save on heating costs, but why do that when there are ways you can do it that virtually won’t cost you a thing? If you’re tired of spending a fortune on energy bills and have been searching for ways to stay warm without shelling out cash, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled come of the best, and least expensive, ways to start slashing utility bills today! Conduct an Energy Audit This is one of the most expensive options on the list, but it can certainly help. Having an expert come in to perform a series of tests is probably the best way to find out what you can and should do in order to save the most on heating costs. From making equipment upgrades to adding insulation, an auditor will provide you with a number of tips and tricks and you may even be eligible for certain rebates on the cost of the audit. Use Gaskets to Stop Drafts Did you know that electrical boxes containing outlets or switches are major sources of heat loss in
3 Tips For Making Your Home Look More Expensive
Whether you’re planning on putting your home up for sale this month, or you plan on staying put for the foreseeable future one thing is certain — we’d all like our homes to look and feel a bit more expensive, right? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually need to buy expensive things and do expensive things to make your home feel more valuable. In fact, there are lots of things you can do that virtually don’t cost a thing. Ready to get to work? 1 – Organize & Declutter You’ve probably heard about the Marie Kondo cleaning methods by now and we’re not saying you have to jump on the bandwagon head first. However, getting rid of clutter and keeping things organized is a great way to make your home feel more spacious and clean and therefore, more expensive. 2 – Clean Up This may sound obvious, but a little bit of cleaning goes a long way. After all, have you ever seen a really expensive house that looked gorgeous, but was all dirty inside? Take a few minutes to clean the grunge off of those tiles in the shower and maybe give the grout on the floor
10 Ways To Start Cutting Energy Costs Right Now
No matter where you live, what you do for work or how you enjoy spending your free time, we can all agree that it would be nice to stop spending so much on energy bills. After all, it’s difficult enough to afford life’s luxuries and things would be a bit easier if we all had some more money in our bank accounts, right? Well, there are in fact, a few quick and easy things you can do to start down on energy costs right now! Pay More Attention To Your Thermostat: setting it and forgetting it may not be the best approach when it comes to your thermostat, unless you have a programmable or smart model. Lowering the temperature a few degrees each day while you’re not home can shave lots of money off your energy bill. Vacuum More Often: believe it or not, dusty vents and coils can make your appliances work much harder. Be sure to vacuum them at least once a month. Clean or Replace Air Filters: your hvac system won’t work as efficiently if the filter is soiled. We recommend cleaning or changing the filter once every three months at the absolute minimum — once
When To Replace Your Heating System & Water Heater
Furnaces, boilers and water heaters are some of the biggest energy guzzlers in your home and they could be costing you a lot more than they should be. Even if your equipment is functioning just fine, it could make more financial sense to replace them. Sounds a little crazy, right? Well, see below to find out whether you should replace that system now, or do sometime down the road instead. When To Replace Your Heating System You probably don’t even realize that if you live in a colder climate, you spend nearly ⅔ of your entire energy budget on heating your home. That means, if you can cut down on heating costs, it’s the most effective way to reduce your utility bills. Here are a few things to consider: If your system is 15 years old or older, you will save money by replacing your furnace or boiler. Most older systems have an efficiency rating (AFUE) of 55-65 percent, while all of today’s models have a rating of 80 percent or higher. If your system is 5 years old or newer, it doesn’t make sense to replace it now, unless it’s in need of a serious repair or you
Does Heat Cause Dry Air?
Notice your skin feeling a bit dryer and tighter lately? No, it’s probably not because of your diet and it’s not because of a change in your exercise regimen either. In fact, it could simply be due to your home’s heating system or even your fireplace. What do these two things have in common? They give off heat and heat could be reason the air inside your home feels so dry during the colder months of the year. Is My Heating System Making My Skin Dry? When temperatures drop outside it causes an adverse effect inside — we typically run over to our thermostats to crank the temperature up a few degrees. And while it may feel cozy and comfortable, having the heat consistently pumping through your home can actually cause the air to dry out. As a result, you may notice that your skin becomes drier, cracked, itchy and more irritated than it normally is and don’t worry, you’re not alone! So, how can you fight back? We recommend turning down the heat whenever possible and be sure to use a moisturizer daily, especially after bathing. Additionally, we recommend a portable humidifier at the bare minimum, if a
How To Prep Your Shower For Holiday Guests
The holidays are among us and they weren’t kidding then they said “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Really, is there anything better than spending quality time with friends and family members eating lots of delicious food and sharing gifts with one another? Well, if you’re hosting the holidays this year, here’s what you can do to get your bathroom in tip-top shape. After all, the guests who are spending a few nights with you will certainly appreciate it! Clean The Shower Do your best to make your guests feel like they’re staying in a five-star hotel. You can start by making sure the shower is spick and span! Be sure to scrub the tile, the grout and most importantly the shower pan or tub. It may require a bit of elbow grease and some help from a homemade cleaning solution, but nobody will feel comfortable showering in a space covered in soap scum and soot. Stock Up On Toiletries If your guests know they will be staying for a few days, chances are they’ll bring their own toiletries, but you can never be too sure. It’s also common for guests to forget a few of the
Are Hot Showers Really That Bad?
Whether you prefer to jump in after you wake up to get your day started or you just can’t seem to sleep well without taking a shower to rid yourself of the days dirt and debris, we can probably all agree that hot showers are one of our guilty pleasures. Sure, they’re relaxing, therapeutic or energizing depending on what you want to get out of it, but turning that hot water dial too far can do more harm than good. See below to find out why you may want to think twice about taking long, hot showers: Why Are Hot Showers Bad? They Cause Dry Skin: similar to the effects of heating your home, hot showers can severely dry out your skin. Hot water mixed with soap strips your skin of its natural oils and hydration mechanisms and can leave you feeling itchy and dry. They Can Worsen Skin Conditions: if you suffer from skin conditions like eczema or other types of rashes, hot water can cause them to spread or make your symptoms worse. They Can Increase Blood Pressure: believe it or not, hot water can cause an increase in blood pressure — especially in those who have
How To Keep Your Home Comfortable With A House Full Of Guests
The holiday season is among us and that means you’ll be hosting lots of friends and family members over the next couple of weeks. You’re beginning to plan for the increase in occupancy and you’re wondering how to keep your home comfortable for your guests, right? Well, we’re here to provide you with a few tips and tricks! Setting The Thermostat The temperature of the house can quickly make guests feel uncomfortable, whether it’s too hot or too cold. Generally speaking, a temperature of 70°F – 73°F should be comfortable for most people, but it also depends on how many guests you’re entertaining. You may want to consider lowering it a few degrees if you’re having lots of people over and if you’ll be using the stove or the oven for a while to prepare the food. Getting Rid of Odors Another thing that can cause your guests to feel uncomfortable is strong odors, whether they’re good smells or bad smells. We suggest equipping your bathroom with a deodorizing spray and it’s always a good idea to leave your kitchen exhaust fan running while cooking. You may even want to crack open a window or door just a hair
Inexpensive Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Sure, a whole-home indoor air quality system is best and most effective way to improve the quality of your indoor air, but we do realize not everyone can afford it, at least not right now. So, what can you do to foster similar results without breaking the bank? Bring some plants inside! The Rubber Plant No, it’s not actually made of rubber, but it does a wonderful job at removing formaldehyde from the air. In fact, it absorbs the toxic chemical in its leaves and roots through phytoremediation. The Aloe Vera Plant You may have heard that it’s great for your skin and it sure is! It’s also great for removing benzene which is found in lots of household cleaners and paints. The Bamboo Palm It’s trendy and it’s appealing and it acts as an excellent filter. Not only does it remove formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene, it also helps humidify the air. The Snake Plant No, it’s not a real snake! But this plant does have tall snake-like leaves and it’s great at getting rid of airborne allergens. Best of all, it’s a succulent so it doesn’t require much attention. The Boston Fern Contrary to popular belief, you
10 Things To Do Before You Sell Your House
Picking up and leaving? Selling your home can be a hassle, especially if the housing market isn’t ideal. But if you take care of certain things ahead of time, it can make the process a whole lot easier. See below to find out 10 of the things you absolutely must do before you sell your house: Reconsider Major Home Improvement Projects: Not every buyer has the same taste as you, so sometimes it’s best to let them take care of these types of projects after they move in. Spruce Up Your Landscape: adding fresh mulch, trimming the bushes and removing tree branches can really make your home look more desirable. You can perform these tasks on your own, or hire a professional without shelling out a fortune. Price Your Home Correctly: if inventory is low, you may be able to get away with asking a bit more for your home. But if lots of homes are for sale in the area, you likely won’t get away with price gouging. Get Rid of That Urinal: you may think it’s unique, and to some it might be, but in most cases urinals will actually decrease a home’s value. Clean and Organize:
Fall Plumbing Maintenance: How To Break Down Your Leaves
Temperatures are dropping, pumpkin-flavored everything is here to stay and flannels, boots and scarves are among us. Autumn is here and that means the leaves are falling. It’s time for you to get outside and take care of your yard one last time before winter settles in and this year, focus on your plumbing. You may be asking, “what do falling leaves and my plumbing system have to do with one another?” The answer is actually a lot simpler than you may have thought. Take a moment to consider your drains and then think about those leaves! Drain Clogs Drains are fragile especially when it comes to dealing with things that weren’t necessarily meant to enter them. We’re talking things like leaves, grass, dirt and debris and guess what? Your lawns are filled with all of the above this time of year. Leaves and grass especially, have the potential to clog drains and gutters and prevent water from flowing away from your home and foundation. You know what that means – the potential for serious leaks and water entering your home. How To Break Down Leaves So, what’s the solution? Be sure to rake your lawn regularly and gather leaves