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Ever walk outside multiple days in a row only to feel like the heat is literally smacking you in the face? Thank goodness for air conditioning, right? Sure, most of us couldn’t even fathom living without an air conditioner in the dead of summer, but most homeowners take advantage of this luxury. Sure, the thought of letting your air conditioner run 24/7 may sound like a great idea, but it could leave you sweating bullets.


Here’s why you should avoid running your air conditioning system 24/7:

It’s a Waste of Energy: this may sound like common sense, but there’s no reason to leave the air conditioner running all day while nobody is home.

Worried it’s going to be hot in the house when you return home?

It’s worth investing in a programmable thermostat so you can have the air turn on a little while before you get home.

It Puts Extra Strain On The System: there aren’t many things in your life that can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without taking a break. Your air conditioner is no exception.

You can prolong the life of the system and avoid costly repairs during the height of the summer if you give your system a rest from time to time.

It Can Freeze Up: if your air conditioner ever turned off unexpectedly, chances are it’s because the coils froze up. Giving it a rest allows the components to defrost and continue to operate at peak performance.

Reminder: dirty filters can also cause your system to work harder and freeze up, so remember to clean them at least once a month.

Your air conditioner doesn’t care if it’s 100 degrees outside in the middle of August. It can break at any time, and it usually happens when you need it the most.

Typically they break because the systems are overtaxed during the warmest summer months. Have no fear, Levine & Sons is here! Call us today at 1-888-538-4631.

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