If you don’t have central heating, then an a/c window unit is a great alternative. Wondering about installation? Levine & Sons is your solution. This is how to install a window air conditioning unit: 8 easy steps
Warning: installing an air conditioning unit is dangerous. Make sure that you’re strong enough to lift the unit as they are very heavy. You should not work alone! People have dropped air conditioning units outside of their windows and it has severely injured and even killed people standing below.
Let’s get started:
- Open the window; and don’t forget to take off the screen.
- Orient yourself with your air conditioner. The back is the heavier end that sits outside of the window. There’s a slit on the bottom of the air conditioning unit that will wedge into the window’s frame. As each and every unit is slightly different, read your particular air conditioning unit’s directions before trying to install it.
- Lift the unit with your legs, not your back
- Lower the window as you place the air conditioning unit in place, it will secure the unit from dropping
- Ensure that the unit is secure and that the bottom slit is within the window’s frame
- Close the shields to keep the warm air from coming into your home
- If possible, lock your window down. There are often slots for screws and nails on the air conditioning unit.
- Plug in the air conditioner
- Sit back and enjoy the breeze
Not sure you want to install your own air conditioning unit? Call Levine & Sons!
We offer the following services regarding air conditioning units:
- Installations
- Repairs
- Maintenance
- Check-ups
- And any other service related to air conditioning units
At Levine and Sons, we’ll be sure to do the job right- the first time around:
Main Location
Levine & Sons
11931 Dixie
Redford Charter Township, MI 48239
Phone: 1-888-538-4361